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希望24热线Hope Line


About 希望24热线Hope Line

Hope 24 Hotline 是一个 24/7 电话生活危机干预热线。 热线志愿者接听电话408553+次。 还提供校园生活教育、互助小组、危机预防、应急支援、公益讲座等公共服务。

English translation: Hope 24 is a non-governmental and non-profit volunteer intervention hotline in China that operates 24/7. Anyone can call and receive support. Hotline volunteers have handled more than 408,553 calls. It also offers public services such as life skills education in schools, support groups, crisis prevention, emergency support, and public lectures.

Where is 希望24热线Hope Line available?

Available nationwide in China

Who does 希望24热线Hope Line support?


What languages does 希望24热线Hope Line support?


What can I talk to 希望24热线Hope Line about?

Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

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