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Linka detskej istoty


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About Linka detskej istoty

Linka pomoci je pre deti a mládež a je k dispozícii non-stop 24/7, bezplatne, anonymne. Poskytujeme psychosociálne poradenstvo, informácie, podporu, prevenciu a krízovú intervenciu. Žiadny problém nie je príliš malý na to, aby ste sa o ňom mohli s nami porozprávať. Sme tu, aby sme počúvali a spoločne hľadali riešenia a aby sme vás previedli ďalšími krokmi k získaniu pomoci.

English translation: Helpline is available for children and youth non-stop 24/7, free, anonymously. We provide psychosocial counselling, information, support and prevention and crisis intervention. No problem is too small to talk to us about. We’re here to listen and together search for solutions and to guide you to take the next step to getting help.

Where is Linka detskej istoty available?

Available nationwide in Slovakia

Who does Linka detskej istoty support?

Youth and children

What languages does Linka detskej istoty support?


Accessibility notes

Čet 18:00 - 22:00 - denne cez: & / Webchat 18.00 - 22.00 daily on: & Email cez [email protected] & [email protected] / Email via: [email protected] & [email protected]

Illustration of a woman throwing a lifebuoy to a distressed person, symbolizing providing a lifeline for people in crisis

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