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S.O.S Amitié


Online Chat

About S.O.S Amitié

S.O.S Amitié assure 24h/24, 7J/7 une écoute bienveillante, sans jugement, anonyme et gratuite par téléphone, chat et messagerie.

Initié dans un but de prévention du suicide, notre service propose une écoute centrée sur la personne. Elle est généraliste quel que soit le sujet, qu’il s’agisse de tentation suicidaire mais aussi plus largement de questions relatives à la santé mentale, de deuil, de solitude, de problèmes relationnels ou matériels, de santé physique, de violences, de sexualité, etc. et s'adresse à tous les publics sans considération de leur âge, genre, croyances ou ethnie.

En nous contactant vous êtes mis en relation avec un de nos bénévoles formé dans le respect d’une charte éthique. C’est dans le cadre d’une écoute active que vous pourrez exprimer votre histoire, vos ressentis, votre mal-être aux fins de desserrer votre angoisse et, si possible, de progresser vers une issue.

Notre soutien, disponible 356 jours par an, est entièrement gratuit et ne saurait être confondu avec d’autres dont le nom est proche du nôtre

S.O.S Amitié provides 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. We are here for everyone in France who may be experiencing emotional distress related to abuse & domestic violence, anxiety, bullying, Dementia & Alzheimer's, depression, eating & body image, family issues, gambling, gender & sexual identity, grief & loss, loneliness, parenting, pregnancy & abortion, relationships, school or work issues, self-harm, sexual abuse, stress, substance use, suicide, supporting a friend or family member, physical illness, trauma & PTSD.

We are available to talk with you about any kind of experience relating to mental health, from a mental health crisis through to general wellbeing. Our support is free. As part of our commitment to preventing suicide, we are available to help you if you are considering suicide or harming yourself, or if you are noticing warning signs in a friend or family member

When you contact us you will talk with one of our trained and supportive volunteers who are experienced in how to help people in your situation. They will listen to you, unpack your story and feelings, and work with you to help you through your challenges. Anyone can call and receive free support. We exist to help everyone regardless of age, gender, beliefs or ethnicity. We are always open. You can contact us for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Where is S.O.S Amitié available?

Available in France

Who does S.O.S Amitié support?

All topics and everyone

What languages does S.O.S Amitié support?

English and French

What can I talk to S.O.S Amitié about?

Accessibility notes

Chat is online from Monday to Sunday 13:00 to 03:00.

Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

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