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About Sjúktspjall

Nafnlaust netspjall fyrir fólk yngra en 20 ára til að ræða áhyggjur af samskiptum, samböndum og ofbeldi. Ráðgjafar á spjallinu eru á vegum Stígamóta, félagasamtök sem sérhæfa sig í ráðgjöf til þolenda kynferðisofbeldis og aðstandenda þeirra.

An anonymous online chat for people under the age of 20, to discuss concerns about relationships, communication and violence. Our online counsellors work on behalf of Stígamót, which provide counselling services to survivors of sexual abuse, as well as their relatives.

Where is Sjúktspjall available?

Available nationwide in Iceland

Who does Sjúktspjall support?

Youth and children

What languages does Sjúktspjall support?


What can I talk to Sjúktspjall about?

Illustration of a woman messaging a crisis counselor, with chat bubbles and shapes extending from her phone

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