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Vaikų Linija (Child Line)


Online Chat

About Vaikų Linija (Child Line)

Vaikų Linija (Child Line) mission is to provide emotional support to children and teenagers by phone and on-line by accepting them the way they are, to look for the answers to the questions that worry them together and encourage children and teenagers help themselves and their peers, to raise the awareness of adults about the reasons that make children suffer and about the ways to help them.

For many years Child Line has been the member of the Lithuanian Association for Emotional Support Services ( and founding member of Child Helpline International that unites 183 child helplines in 142 countries over the globe. Child Line is also a member of Safer Internet consortium in Lithuania ( and is associated with INSAFE network.

Where is Vaikų Linija (Child Line) available?

Available nationwide in Lithuania

Who does Vaikų Linija (Child Line) support?

Youth and children

What languages does Vaikų Linija (Child Line) support?


Accessibility notes

Darbo valandos: telefonu kasdien 11–23 val., pokalbiais internetu kasdien 14–23 val., į laiškus atsakome per parą. By phone every day from 11 am to 11 pm, by online chat from 2 pm to 11 pm, we respond to emails within 24 hours.

Illustration of teletherapy counselor handing a crying woman a tissue, to symbolize emotional support online

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