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Women Safe House 24 Hour Crisis Hotline


About Women Safe House 24 Hour Crisis Hotline

Women Safe House Sustenance Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and rehabilitating women and girls from all forms of gender-based violence in Nigeria. The organization provides shelter, legal aid, healthcare and comprehensive services to women and girls of all ages who are survivors of rape, domestic violence, female genital mutilation, child marriage and sex trafficking. Our hotline and services are available and accessible 24/7 for all GBV survivors across the country. Our active helpline aims to provide versatile yet holistic services to all survivors by adopting a non-judgmental and empathetic attitude. We are keen on ensuring that every user who dial our helpline feels that their identities, experiences and feelings are valid and will not be met with criticism or judgement. Also, we enhance users' autonomy experience by actively involving them in decisions and giving them the freedom to choose options that align with their personal values. We believe that by respecting every survivor's cultural beliefs and values and treating each client based on the peculiarity of their belief, our helpline has contributed to achieving survivor-centered care for GBV survivors in our country.

Where is Women Safe House 24 Hour Crisis Hotline available?

Available nationwide in Nigeria

Who does Women Safe House 24 Hour Crisis Hotline support?

Women, children, and youth

What languages does Women Safe House 24 Hour Crisis Hotline support?

English, Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba

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