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Youth Helpline 393



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About Youth Helpline 393

A toll-free youth helpline provides free and confidential support, information, referrals, and guidance to young people on topics that are related to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) including issues pertaining to contraception, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, pregnancy, relationships, and sexuality. The helpline seeks to empower young people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health by providing accurate and non-judgmental information. The service also provides useful health tips to young people who register. Among other things, young people with HIV receive SMS alerts to remind them to take medication and the day of their next refill.

Where is Youth Helpline 393 available?

Available in Malawi

Who does Youth Helpline 393 support?

Women, parents, and youth

What languages does Youth Helpline 393 support?

English and Nyanja

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