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Zaupni telefon Samarijan


About Zaupni telefon Samarijan

Ko čutite, da je breme stiske pretežko, lahko pogovor z usposobljenim prostovoljcem pomaga razbremeniti breme. Klic je anonimen in brezplačen. Pokličete lahko kadarkoli, saj je Zaupni telefon Samarijan dosegljiv 24 ur na dan in vse dni v letu. Če je linija zasedena, poskusite znova ali pokličite malo kasneje. Naj vas zasedena linija ne odvrne. Ko pokličete, se boste povezali s prostovoljcem na liniji za pomoč. Poslušali vas bodo, vas brezpogojno sprejeli, pokazali empatijo in vam pomagali spregovoriti o svojih čustvenih izkušnjah. Cilj vsakega pogovora je razbremeniti vašo stisko.

English translation: When you feel that the burden of distress is too heavy, talking to a trained volunteer can help relieve the burden. Calling us is anonymous and free of charge. You can call at any time, because Zaupni telefon Samarijan is available 24 hours a day and every day of the year. If the line is busy, try again or call a little later. Don't let a busy line discourage you. When you call, you will connect with a helpline volunteer. They will listen, accept you unconditionally, show empathy, and help you talk about your emotional experience. The goal of every conversation is to relieve your distress.

Where is Zaupni telefon Samarijan available?

Available nationwide in Slovenia

Who does Zaupni telefon Samarijan support?

All topics and everyone

What languages does Zaupni telefon Samarijan support?


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