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Distress Centre Calgary



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About Distress Centre Calgary

Distress Centre Calgary (DCC) provides 24 hour crisis support, professional counselling, youth peer support and referrals through 211 and our programs at SORCe – all at no cost. For over 50 years, Distress Centre has served Calgary and Southern Alberta, ensuring everyone has a place to turn in times of crisis. We do not define crisis. We do not judge. Anyone can call us day or night.

Where is Distress Centre Calgary available?

Available nationwide in Canada

Who does Distress Centre Calgary support?

All topics and everyone

What languages does Distress Centre Calgary support?


What can I talk to Distress Centre Calgary about?

Accessibility notes

Chat, Text and Phones Available 24/7.

Illustration of teletherapy counselor handing a crying woman a tissue, to symbolize emotional support online

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