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Seniors Abuse Helpline (Edmonton)


About Seniors Abuse Helpline (Edmonton)

Provides confidential, non-judgmental, and short-term crisis intervention, emotional support, and resources to those who are experiencing or concerned about someone else experiencing senior abuse. Service offers:

  • a 24-hour, confidential, non-judgmental telephone line for those experiencing or dealing with senior abuse Outcome objectives may include:
  • crisis intervention
  • suicide prevention
  • seniors abuse and family violence prevention
  • emergency intervention and response
  • emotional support
  • community resource referrals

Where is Seniors Abuse Helpline (Edmonton) available?

Available in Canada

Who does Seniors Abuse Helpline (Edmonton) support?


What languages does Seniors Abuse Helpline (Edmonton) support?


What can I talk to Seniors Abuse Helpline (Edmonton) about?

Accessibility notes

During times of high demand, it may take a while to connect to a listener. Stay on the line or try again later. If you or someone you love is in immediate danger, call 911.

Illustration of a woman throwing a lifebuoy to a distressed person, symbolizing providing a lifeline for people in crisis

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